Ushuaia Airport - Artículos de Ushuaia - Ushuaia-Info
USHUAIA-INFO noticias, sociedad y cultura de Ushuaia | Tierra del Fuego, Patagonia, Argentina | Lat: 54º 49' S | Lon: 68º 19' O |

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Ushuaia Airport

Malvinas Argentinas Ushuaia International Airport, "Aeropuerto Internacional de Ushuaia Malvinas Argentinas" in spanish, is located 4 km (2.5 mi) south of the center of Ushuaia. The IATA code is USH and the ICAO code is SAWH.

The new airport was opened in 1995 while the older one is still in use with the Ushuaia Aeroclub and is known by airportcode SAWO. The new airport has been used by various airlines at different periods. It is the world's southernmost international airport and is often used by passengers as a cruise-ship gateway to the Antarctic.

Ushuaia International Airport can accommodate airplanes as large as the Boeing 747. Tower Air operated 747s and Aerolíneas Argentinas operated 747-400s into the airport during events of high passenger numbers (such as entire cruise-ship passenger payloads) until retiring the 747 in February 2012. 

Two chartered Air France Concordes also visited in the past: F-BTSD arriving from Buenos Aires and continuing to Santiago, Chile, in early 1999; the second arriving from Easter Island, Chile and continuing to Buenos Aires prior to the cessation of most Concorde charter flights on 25 July 2000 (following the crash of Air France 4590). 

In the past, Condor, LTU, Air Berlin and Lufthansa also offered charter flights from Germany, Austrian Airlines from Austria, and XL Airways UK and First Choice Airways from the United Kingdom. It also chartered flights to Maputo, Mozambique.

The airport is on a peninsula extending south into the Beagle Channel, and all approach and departures are over the water.

Visitas: 5140

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